Welcome and thank you for visiting the Business Opportunities section of the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis (HACA) website. This information is intended to help interested parties conduct business with the agency.
HACA encourages the participation of Minority Owned Business Enterprises (MBE), Women Owned Enterprises (WBE) and Small Business Enterprises (SBE). Participation may be through direct sales by subcontracting, or a business partnership agreement. Small Businesses, as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration, are also encouraged to participate in HACA purchasing and contracting activities.
To take advantage of the many opportunities of doing business with HACA:
All solicitations will be advertised in local papers and posted on HACA's website.
We want to do business with companies who will deliver quality products and workmanship at a competitive price. If you're that company, contact us!
We look forward to doing business with you.
HACA's Central Office
Department of Procurement
1217 Madison Street
Annapolis, Maryland 21403
HACA wants to do business with you! In fact, we strongly encourage MBE, WBE, SBE, and Section 3 Businesses to do business with us.
To take advantage of the many opportunities of doing business with HACA, you can:
HACA encourages the participation of Minority Owned Enterprises (MBE), Women Owned Enterprises (WBE), Small Business Enterprises (SBE), and Section 3 Businesses (Sec 3). Participation may be through direct sales by subcontracting or a business partnership agreement. Small Businesses, as defined by the U.S. Small Business Administration, are also encouraged to participate in HACA purchasing and contracting activities.
The Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis provides its complete procurement policy as well as any amendments to the procurement policy since the date of last issuance.
HACA is seeking Proposals from a qualified, licensed, and insured entity or entities to provide a wide range of legal services. These services are a necessary supplement to the daily operation of HACA. The successful proposer or proposers shall be the legal advisor or advisers to the HACA Board of Commissioners and the Executive Director.
The RFQ can be downloaded at this link.
HACA is seeking Proposals from a qualified, licensed, and insured entity or entities to provide a wide range of legal services. These services are a necessary supplement to the daily operation of HACA. The successful proposer or proposers shall be the legal advisor or advisers to the HACA Board of Commissioners and the Executive Director.
The RFQ can be downloaded at this link.
Click below to download Procurement Forms below
The Section 3 Program is designed to ensure that HUD funds invested in housing and community development activities also provide employment opportunities for low-income people. Businesses and employers working on HUD-funded projects must make a good faith effort to train and employ low-income individuals in the area and to contract with other businesses that employ Section 3 residents.
The HACA Section 3 Program requires that recipients of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent feasible, provide the following opportunities for low and very-low income individuals and businesses owned by such individuals in connection with projects and activities in their neighborhoods:
Job training
Each respondent to HACA procurement opportunities must comply with the HACA SECTION 3 program pursuant to the Housing and Development Act of 1968, as amended by title 24 of the Housing and Urban Development Act.
Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis
1217 Madison Street
Annapolis, MD 21403
Main (410) 267-8000
Fax (410) 267-8290
Maintenance (410) 263-0778
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (Effective August 19, 2024)
Main Office
- Monday through Thursday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (Appointments required for HCVP clients except 9am to 4pm on Wednesdays)
- Friday: Closed
Property Office (Harbour House, Eastport Terrace, Robinwood)
- Monday and Wednesday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm
- Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday: Closed (by appointment only)
Property Office (Bloomsbury Square)
- Tuesday: 9:00 am to 4:30pm
- Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: Closed (by appointment only)
After-Hours Maintenance Emergencies: (410) 263-0778
The Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis provides reasonable accommodations upon request.